What’s Going On At Genesis

DISCOVER Genesis Hangout

1st Sundays, After Service | Stage Left Room

A special hangout with Pastor EJ for anyone who is new or “newer” to Genesis. Come have some snacks and drinks as you sit around a table and get to know Genesis a little better. This is a great place to ask any of your questions!

Goodie Pantry

3rd Sundays, After Service | Last Tuesdays 10 AM - 12 PM | Fellowship Hall

Thanks to our partners at the Hoosier Hills Food Bank, we are able to offer free food to anyone in need at Genesis and in our community.

Even if you’re not in need, but you know someone who is, please stop by and pick some food up to give to them as an opportunity to show them the love of Jesus!

Grow Series | Living Victoriously

Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30 PM | Genesis Church

Pastor EJ is leading this four week study and training on how to live your life on purpose. All are welcome! Class dates: Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 26 and April 2.

Flourish Women’s Ministry | Game Night

Friday, March 28 at 6:00 PM | Genesis Church

All women are invited for a night of board games and nachos! $10 per person. RSVP here.

Mac Madness

Sunday, March 30, 12:00 PM | Genesis Church

Bring your favorite mac and cheese (or veggie tray) to share and join us! RSVP here.

Easter at The Warehouse

Saturday, April 12, 9:00 AM | The Warehouse

We're partnering with The Warehouse (1525 S. Rogers Street) for their annual Easter event! Bring your donations of Easter candy, "just add water" pancake mix and maple syrup to Genesis before April 6, or sign up here to volunteer to help on the day of the event! This is a great opportunity to bless our community!

Holy Week at Genesis

Sunday, April 13 - Sunday, April 20

April 13 - Palm Sunday at Genesis, 10:00 AM

April 17 - Maundy Thursday. Communion at home with family and friends

April 18 - Good Friday. Worship and Prayer Service at Genesis, 7:00 PM

April 20 - Easter Service & Baptisms at Genesis, 10:00 AM.

Baptism Sunday

Easter Sunday, April 20, 10:00 AM | Genesis Church

Sign up here if you'd like to be baptized during the Easter service!